Season 8

Season 8 ended on the 27th of October 2023

Season 8 ended on the 27th of October 2023! If you want to look around last seasons world, or continue playing on it, you can download the world below.

NOTICE: To reduce file size the world has been pruned. All chunks that have been loaded for less than 3 minutes have been removed!

How to play

  1. Download the compressed world file (Make sure you have a stable internet connection, this may take a while)
  2. Extract the tar file using a program like 7-zip
  3. Locate your saves folder (Press Windows + R and enter %appdata%/.minecraftsaves to find your saves folder)
  4. Copy the extracted world folder into your saves folder
  5. Open Minecraft and enjoy playing your world!
  6. (If you want to use cheats, press ESC, click Open to LAN, toggle Allow Cheats to ON and click Start LAN World)